Provisional Programme: WEDNESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER 2019

(Click on each day to view the Day by Day Programmes)


*Provisional Programme – Subject to Change

Click on the speakers name to view the available biographies.

07:30 – 15:00 Registration

Venue: OR Tambo Foyer (Sponsored by Tiger Brands)

08:00 – 10:00 Plenary Session 3

Venue: NRF OR Tambo 2

Session Chairpersons:  Tricia Fitchet & Naushad Emmambux

08:30 – 09:15 Will the microbes have the last word?

Prof Pieter Gouws

Centre for Food Safety, Stellenbosch University, South Africa

09:15 – 10:00 Nanotechnology for the food industry: Current status and future direction

Prof Suprakas Sinha Ray

CSIR, South Africa

10:00 – 10:40 Venue: OR Tambo 1 & OR Tambo Foyer

Tea/Coffee Break sponsored  by  Compusense Inc.

Poster Viewing sponsored by Tiger Brands

10:40 – 12:00 Session 13: Cereal Science & Technology / Fats & Oils

Venue: NRF OR Tambo 2

Session Chairperson:  Vusi Mshayisa

Session 14: Nutrition Society of SA

Venue: Clover SA Heathrow

Session Chairperson:  Bianca van der Westhuizen

Session 15: Dairy Science & Technology

Venue: Savannah King Shaka International

Session Chairperson: Christine Leighton

Session 16: Meat Science & Technology

Venue: Compusense Inc. Cape Town International

Session Chairperson:  Arnold Hugo

10:40 – 11:00 Whole grain and high fibre breads with optimized textural quality

Dr Martin Noort

Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, Netherlands

Optimum nutrition: a nutritionist’s view of the role of food scientists and food technologists

Chantell Witten

North West University, South Africa

(On behalf of Carol Browne, Independent Consultant)

Dairy industry sustainability: What we do at farm level

Dr Heinz Meissner

Milk SA, South Africa

Food Safety Crisis Mitigation Strategies: An Industry perspective

Najib Salim

RCL Foods, South Africa

11:00 – 11:20 Could extrusion cooking improve and/or stabilise the flavour of pearl millet porridges?

Isiguzoro O. Onyeoziri

University of Pretoria, South Africa

Linking current advances in nutritional research to food product development:  decreasing energy density and increasing nutrient density of foods

Prof Naushad Emmambux

University of Pretoria, South Africa

Dairy quality testing trends in Europe

Bernard J. de Villiers

bioMérieux South Africa

101 – How South African consumers perceive attributes of chicken meat during assessment of the safety of chicken meat

Wendy Katiyo

University of Pretoria, South Africa

11:20 – 11:40 160 – Effects of bioprocessing on texture of high fibre snack products

Markus Nikinmaa

VTT, Finland

The role of African vegetables and fruits as functional foods and their health benefits

Dharini Sivakumar

Tshwane University of Technology

Sustainable diets: The role of dairy

Prof Friede Wenhold

87 – Verification of the South African pork classification system

Rita Myburg

University of the Free State, South Africa

11:40 – 12:00 Indigenous wheat fried batter innovation: Fat reduction with fibre

Oluwatoyin Oladayo Onipe

University of Venda, South Africa

Nutrient profiling: a tool for healthier food products

Mariaan Wicks

North-West University, South Africa

Food safety and quality compliance in the dairy industry: A shared responsibility

Jompie Burger

Dairy Standard Agency, South Africa

226 – What do South African consumers want to see on red meat labels?

Hester Vermeulen

University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa

12:00 – 13:00 Venue: OR Tambo 1 and OR Tambo Foyer

Lunch Break – sponsored by South African Meat Processors Association (SAMPA)

Poster Viewing – sponsored by Tiger Brands

13:00 My Father’s Coat

Venue: NRF OR Tambo 2

MY FATHER`S COAT is the acclaimed story by Michael Charton.  It makes the incredible story of South Africa more accessible to visitors and South Africans alike. This is a human story told through the eyes of five prominent and directly interlinked protagonists spanning 200 turbulent years: Mzilikazi, Kruger, Rhodes, Smuts and Mandela.
A very unique product, providing order and meaning to a notoriously complex subject.
14:40 Closing and Awards

Mr David Watson & Dr Lucia Anelich

15:00 – 15:30 Venue: OR Tambo 1

Tea/Coffee Break