
Complimentary Airport Shuttle:

How to find the shuttle at OR Tambo International Airport:

The Shuttle Terminal is located on the Western side of the International arrivals Terminal and Intercontinental Hotel.

Exiting the International Arrivals building, cross over the road, walk straight ahead ensuring The Intercontinental Hotel remains on your right-hand side. This will lead you directly to the shuttle terminal.

The vehicles are clearly marked with: “Birchwood Hotel & O R Tambo Conference centre” logos.

The complimentary airport shuttle departs hourly from OR Tambo International bus terminal at 10 minutes past every hour (e.g. 12:10), and the return departs hourly from Birchwood at 30 minutes past every hour (e.g. 12:30).

Car Rental:

Another option is to hire a car to have unlimited access to Johannesburg and surrounds.

Turners Conferences has specially negotiated rates with First Car Rental. Should you wish to book, please contact Deveena Naiker: